‘Explorations’ Journal Showcases Undergrad Research

Digital drawing of a lounging woman in a white dress with an orange sash. A background of Greek/Roman pottery and ancient ships at sea is visible behind her. Explorations logo and Texas A&M text is present on top of the image.
The cover of Explorations: Volume 15, designed by Explorations author Hannah Eckenfels ’23.
A group of 5 students pose with physical copies of the Explorations journal while giving a thumbs up to the camera.
Students celebrate the release of Explorations: Volume 15.
Dr. Conrad sits at a table next to a woman as they open and examine the Explorations journal.
Dr. Conrad examines the newest volume of Explorations at the journal’s release party in November.

Student-Led Scholarship

Eshan smiles at the camera.
Eshan Manchanda ’26
Tyler soft smiles as the camera.
Tyler Eutsler ’23